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June 21, 2005

Follow up

Well, I barely slept at all last night. Was up until almost three, then fell into a light, fitful sleep. Was awakened around 4 by neighbor opening garage (right beneath me) and working on motorcycle for about half hour, then letting it idle for another half hour while he finished tinkering. Then Calypso decided to start chasing a big pile of nothing in the middle of the floor and then running and leaping onto the bed with me. This amused her for quite awhile. Cat came close to reincarnation.

Slept for another half hour or maybe forty-five minutes at six, and then was pretty much awake until the alarm went off at 7:15.

However, this is all a good thing. I am certain I will sleep well tonight.

And, on way into work today, I get peckish and stopped at store and picked up some water, chocolate milk, and a morning snack item. So the hunger issue looks to be heading back to normal.

All in all, except for the deep bags under my eyes, it is a good day.

Sometimes you just have to empty your cache and reboot the system from scratch.


  1. Only if you are a Windoze machine. If you were an OS X machine you would just keep humming along. :-) That's my Mac promo for the afternoon.

  2. I get bouts of insomnia now and then as well; I think we all do. Unfortunately, I've got this whole allergic reaction to the active ingredient in sleeping pills, so I'm on my own. Glad to see things are getting a back to normal.
