
All blog posts, unless otherwise noted, are copyrighted to the Author (that's me) and may not be used without written permission.

July 6, 2007

One Week to Go

I desperately need another stint with my lady. One week from today I will be on my way there (leaving my apartment at quarter to 6 am (PST) with a planned arrival time in SJ at 11:30 pm (AST)).

I'm taking my suit with me, as there are two weddings I'm supposed to attend with her while I'm there; her friends Chris and Suzy the following Saturday and then her friend Regan the Saturday after that (M is the MOH for that wedding). And, as always, I have to work while I'm there, so the work laptop has to go.

Super Shuttle is prepped, the cat is looked after, work is ready for my physical absence. I still need to pack and prep for the actual trip, but otherwise I'm ready to go!

Time spent with your loved one is always time well-spent and I could use some of that about now.

1 comment:

  1. Me too. Very much so. This is killing me.
