
All blog posts, unless otherwise noted, are copyrighted to the Author (that's me) and may not be used without written permission.

September 25, 2005

To Whom It May Concern

I don't appreciate you calling at 3 am. What's more, I don't appreciate you calling at 3 am, not getting an answer, waiting a half-hour, and calling back.

The phone is a convenience. I will answer it, therefore, when it is convenient to me. This means that I may be standing right next to it with nothing to do and still will not answer the phone because I do not chose to.

I have an answering machine. Leave a message. If it is important, I will call you back. If I hear your voice on my answering machine and recognize it, I may pick up right then.

What were you thinking calling so late? I stay up late, yes, but not that late. Give me a break!

So don't call so late (or early, I guess). If you do, leave a message so I know who it is and whether it is important. Otherwise, get the hell off my phone line and don't call me again.



  1. In the famous last sounds of Shaggy:
    "It wasn't me!"


  2. nor i.

    some idiot called me on the way to work this morning on my cell, i was fumbling through all my teacher bags to find the phone etc. and then it was a wrong number. figures!

  3. Anonymous8:32 PM

    If it makes you feel any better, I get called on my cell phone between 3am - 5:30am by a fax machine--number blocked--about once a week :(

    I got one of those calls this morning at 5:00AM as a matter of fact.


  4. I'd suggest turning the cell off at night. I've been known to turn off the ringer on my landline when I want a quiet evening.
