
All blog posts, unless otherwise noted, are copyrighted to the Author (that's me) and may not be used without written permission.

December 22, 2007

And That's A Wrap

I'm glad that there is Christmas just to keep me humble.

I have always had good spatial recognitions, decent hand-eye coordination, and been generally good with agility/dexterity. However, for whatever reason, I absolutely suck at wrapping gifts.

Luckily, this year, I purchased the vast majority of my gifts online. So, for all of them, I only had to click the "gift options" and be done with it. However, my wife is adamant that I must wrap the gifts I get her. She gets very serious and firm on this point. It doesn't matter how awful the wrapping is, I must do it.

So, here I sit and struggle. This year I managed to find some decent-sized boxes to put things in to make the wrapping easier. But there are always those few gifts that you can't put in a box, or can't do anything with. Oh well!

She also hates that I buy generic wrapping paper so that I can use it for every gift option that comes along for the year (or more) that it lasts. *sigh

Okay, one more to go. *deep breath ... And go!

1 comment:

  1. Nothing like huge PRESSURE for the gifts this year! You did tell M that I taught you everything you don't know about wrapping? So, it isn't going to be pretty under the tree ... perhaps the gifts will make up for the lack of wrapping skill.

    To top it all off, your sister sent your gifts directly to my address, so guess who is wrapping her gifts this year? She's the queen of paper and ribbon, a skill at which we don't quite measure up.

    Maybe next year we'll all be together and M&M can compare wrapping paper and ribbons ...
