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January 17, 2006

Superman Returns... I Hope

I was writing, in my spare time, something about the resonance of Superman in today's world. The fact that Superman is a "Boy Scout" and has ideals from a bygone age is part of what makes him so relevant in today's society of angst, anger, pessimism, and ADD.

I found this article relating to Bryan Singer's new Superman movie, Superman Returns. It touched on just those very thoughts and gives me hope that his movie will properly pay homage to Superman's roots as well as reinvigorate him for today's audiences.


Of course, I'm always hopeful. But Singer didn't let us down with X-Men or X-Men 2, so I trust his feel for the character will make a great movie.

Or, rather, I keep hoping. ;-D

1 comment:

  1. Haven't decided what I think of the upcoming Superman movie yet. Might even just wait for the dvd to hit. I was thoroughly offended by the trailer for it at the theatre. Then again, perhaps that's a really good reason to see it on the big screen.
