
All blog posts, unless otherwise noted, are copyrighted to the Author (that's me) and may not be used without written permission.

March 2, 2005

Lunch Time Rendezvous?

So I'm eating lunch at Gina's, a local Italian place that I frequent (some of the best calzones in the area!). Two girls show up for lunch. One is about 5'4", slimmer build (but still curvy), glasses, long dark hair, and is wearing a shirt that just shows a touch of her midsection without being revealing. The other is a tad shorter, a more medium build. They look to be Indian or maybe middle-eastern. I smile at the taller one as she glances in my direction as they are looking for a spot to sit. I am surprised by her beautiful, dark eyes. Her lips have a slight natural curve to them that I find intriguing.

At first they move to sit outside at the shorter girl's insistence. Shortly, they come back in and sit at the taller girl's requested location, which happens to be directly in my line of sight. Throughout the remainder of my meal, the taller girl catches my eye and even smiles. I, of course, smile back too. Have to be polite.

A little aside: when I'm eating alone-- or alone in general-- I'm in my own little world. Specifically, while during lunch, I do my best to put the answering machine on and veg-out, doing my best not to think about work. While generally observant, I am not aware of many specifics.

Then a sappy/crappy love song comes on (by Backstreet Nsync to Men Badd-- whatever, one of those boy bands) and she once again catches my eye. I smile at her singing along, then return to my glazed over, nearly drooling vegged out state.

I finish lunch, top off my beverage, and leave. I do throw one last glance in said girl's direction and she is watching me leave. I sort of nod, then am out the door.

As I am driving back to work after lunch it suddenly dawns on me-- she was probably flirting with me. Sending subtle hints that I could, maybe, come over and say Hi. There is, of course, also the chance she is just flirting for flirting's sake. Many people do this.

I've been out of the loop too long. I've only gone on a few dates recently, and none have been earthshaking for either participant. This lunch time interaction had more chemistry even across the room than either of my most recent dates.

Now, I realize this girl was probably all of 21 or 22. Gina's is right on the campus of UC Irvine, after all. As I am rapidly nearing 34, this seems very young (even if I do try to present the Dirty Old Man image and joke about dating girls half my age). Those who are 22 and 34 are in VERY different places in their lives, and looking for very different things. But still-- I should be seeing/picking up on these signals! Is my testosterone on the blink? Has my lack of activity inured me to the wiles of those lovely females who may be interested? Are my nostrils no longer sensitive to the gentle wafting of the pheromones from receptive females? How many other opportunities drift by because I'm just plain too dense to register them?

A hint to the women in my life-- be blunt. I'm blunt and don't always pick up on the subtleties. I say what I mean and futilely expect the same from those around me.

So, now, all I can do is wait for the next time something like this happens and hope I recognize it sooner and can do something about it. And I can remember the girl with the startling eyes and strange curve to her lip.


  1. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Next time this happens. Walk over and state that you made eye contact. Do I look familiar to you? Let her take the lead. Or do the James Bond thing. Send over a drink or food.

    Keep these in mind:
    1) don't analyze age, profession, etc. find out then decide. 2) life is short, take a chance. 3) no regrets in life! Above all, if you don't ask it is 100% no. if you do ask it a 50% yes.

    Try reading this book for confidence

  2. You are not alone in missing signs from the opposite sex. Sometimes woman are too subtle, but many times the guy is frozen by a fear of rejection. It doesn't take much to convince yourself that it isn't worth the risk. Your post suggests that you did recognize some level of interest, so I wouldn't totally discount the fear factor (pardon the tv reference).

    I am extremely lucky to be dating a wonderful woman who helped me get over that initial fear. I think I confused her at first by sending mixed signals of interest and disinterest. When I was really just nervous. She was patient and saw past my problems.

    I hope you can get as lucky, but in case you aren't please take some risks. Aside from the temporary discomfort you can only win by engaging in a conversation the next time this happens.

  3. This reminds me of the song "Dyslexic Heart" by Paul Westerburg off the Singles soundtrack.
