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May 9, 2005

CNN on Relationships

Last night on CNN the moderator presented the following statistic: (paraphrasing) in cases where one or both partners committed adultery, got divorced from the existing relationship, and then married the object of their infidelity, 75% of those marriages ended in divorce.

What does this tell us?
  • Once a cheater, always a cheater.
  • People who believe the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence will continue to look in the next yard over after jumping the fence.
  • It is better to make it work with who you are with because cheating won't lead you to any more happiness.

The moderator of the program ended with this: while men who are slightly to moderately overweight have about the same opportunities to cheat as more-fit males (which surprised me-- you always think of the young, fit people as those more likely to get offers), they are statistically much less likely to. One conclusion reached by researchers is that these slightly overweight men are much more statisfied in their marriage/home life and this is why they don't cheat even if the opportunity presents itself.

So, women, be thankful for that little gut your man is growing, it may be a physical representation of his happiness with you and your relationship.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:29 AM

    "Once a cheater, always a cheater." This is interesting, sad, and probably true. A married man tried to seduce me and said how unhappy he was in his marriage. I asked him why he didn't get divorced, and he said this was his second marriage and that he would be "ruined financially" as he is still paying alimony to his ex-wife. He admitted that he has had numerous affairs. He also said that he has always been unhappy. I just don't understand it. I came to realize that he was very self-centered and egotistical, and that's probably what has made him unhappy all his life. You just can't tell anyone who jumps from the frying pan into the fire how to be happy.
