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April 21, 2021

'Rona and the magical, mystical vaccine

The coronavirus can only go where it is allowed to go. With the introduction of vaccines, that means it has fewer sources of infection and will condense in areas where people are not vaccinated, for whatever reason.

A certain segment of the US/North American population is resistant or, at least, very hesitant to get the vaccine. As its ability to infect anyone, anywhere is diminished, the virus will attack those it still can infect... the anti-vaxxers. This is why you see prominent celebrities, politicians, and others in this population admitting that they are getting COVID-19 and getting sick.

Soon, those people will be the only population that the virus can easily infect and those will be the people who will be infecting their friends and family, getting long-haul results, and dying from this pandemic. I'm sure they will come up with more ludicrous reasons as to why they have been "targeted" by some group, but the rest of us will know the real reason; if you're an idiot and don't believe in science when something like this happens, you are sacrificing yourself for the greater good.

While I know this hope is unfounded, I continue to hope that this will wake people up and get them understanding that, while they do, indeed, have individual rights, sometimes you have to sacrifice your rights for the greater good. Sometimes the whole has to be more important than some of its parts. Sometimes the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few (or the one).

When I read that Ted Nugent (and others) has contracted the 'Rona, I can't help but say, "Good!" I hope he has infected all of his fellow anti-vaxxers. I hope that many of them get sick. I hope that many of them get long-haul issues. And, if that doesn't drive home the fact that this virus is real and the need to get the vaccine is just as real, I hope a few of them die. That sounds harsh, even cruel, I know. If they won't learn from literally worldwide results, nor will they learn from the infection and death rates in their country/state/county/city, they need to learn the lesson somehow, and getting the disease, suffering through it, or even dying from it may be the only way to teach these willfully ignorant people the lesson. So they have chosen, so let it be.

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