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June 18, 2020

It's All Part of the Plan

It is so frustrating to see people actually protesting that the US should start reopening. First, because, so far, there is ample evidence to suggest that all of these protests are backed/funded by a few right-wing people (Betsy DeVos's family is linked to at least two of them) and, secondly because these people don't understand what they are asking for.

I can't help but notice that the protestors have been all white, privileged, and from various hate groups. There have been racist signs at most of them. Many suggest there is some sort of conspiracy at work. This all leads to the inevitable conclusion that these people are poorly educated or uneducated, easily influenced, and ignorant. What other conclusions can you reach?

Ignorant, poorly educated people tend to flock to supposed conspiracy theories because they have a hard time reasoning these things out. I mean, the sheer number of people that would have to be involved to make most of their conspiracy theories work would mean that someone, at some point, would crack and the lie would be out there. We may find out more about the coronavirus at some point, but right now all evidence points to the standard biological processes of a virus that wants to live mutating rapidly, jumping species until it was successful in attacking human beings' biology, and then spreading. It happens all the time, it just usually turn into a pandemic because human beings are good at following these things and killing them early. No need for a conspiracy... or, better, the conspiracy is that life out there is harsh and everything wants to kill you; it's always just a matter of time before Mother Nature figures out how to make it happen.

While there are usually a few smart people in leadership roles of racist gatherings and organizations, the bulk of the members are ignorant, poorly educated people who, again, don't reason well. The leaders demonize the ethnicity in question (usually Blacks or Jews) with evidence that doesn't stand up to any amount of real scrutiny, convince the easily convinced, and constantly blame all of the members' troubles on real and perceived things that ethnicity has "done to them." Because they are not smart and can't reason for themselves, the followers latch on and are led to believe this crap.

And antisemitism? I have never understood this particular racist stance. The Jews have been one of the most persecuted ethnicities in the history of the world. Of course, they will turn inward and be a more insular society when nearly every other ethnicity and religion on the planet wants to destroy them. Wouldn't you be less trusting of others if your countrymen consistently turned on you on a dime and sent you to concentration camps and death?

The fact that right-wing money has already been found to be influencing these protests also shows to what lengths the right will go to stay in power. They have no interest in leading, no interest in governing, and no interest in the average, every-day person's well-being. They simply want to stay in office, to stay in power.

This just goes to show you how important education is. The educated (beyond the aforementioned racist leadership) aren't at these rallies. Or, if they are, they are on the side of the counterprotesters and opposition to these racist idiots. Why do you think a classic racist bully and idiot like Trump wanted someone who didn't know how to be Secretary of Education in the position? Or, I should say, why Trump's handlers wanted to tear apart the educational system. Miller, Mnuchin, Kushner, et al, all understand that the stupider the masses are, the easier it is to confuse, control, and dominate them. And look, it's working!

Stop being sheep, people! Educate yourself! The more educated you are, the more independent you actually will be! Stop buying what the Republicans are selling! They want you sick, poor, and uneducated so they can rule over you. While the Democrats aren't much better, at least they want you healthy and educated so you can make decisions for yourself.

Educate yourself.

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