
All blog posts, unless otherwise noted, are copyrighted to the Author (that's me) and may not be used without written permission.

September 27, 2013

Congressional Rules (Revised)

I have revised my set of rules for Congress.

A member of Congress:

  1. Shall be paid a Salary equal to the American Median Income + 10%. This amount cannot be raised or changed by Congress in any way.
    1. Must make public and easily accessible any and all Income made in addition to their Congressional salary, including any stock and bond transactions, gifts, gratuities, honorariums, speaking engagements, book deals, campaign funds/contributions, et al.
    2. Shall only have “free” health care provision while in office.
    3. Must make public and easily accessible all travel expenses while in office. Only those that are for official government functions and reasons will be paid for by the government. Campaigning, fundraising, vacations, travel for family members, and any other travel deemed to not be for official government purposes will not be reimbursed by the government. (UPDATED)

[Solves the problem of Congress being paid well more than the average person (current Congressional salary: $174,000/year; current median income: about $45,000/year), making it a job that, once earned, no one wants to leave, but it is still valuable enough that those who want to serve the people will run for office.]

[Provides incentive to Congress to make sure laws enacted are beneficial to all income demographics.]

[Solves the problem of Congress members getting rich via alternate means while in office.]

  1. Must spend a minimum of 12 days out of every month in their home location.
    1. Congress members must maintain a residence in their home during the entire time they are in office.

[Solves the problem of Congress spending all of their time in Washington, D.C. and losing touch with those whom they are supposed to serve and represent.]

  1. Cannot serve more than two consecutive terms in office, and no more than three terms total.

[Solves the problem of lifelong public jobs, cronyism, and the “good ole boy” club mentality. Forces Congress members to have to live under the laws they create.]

  1. Must vote in a minimum of 90% of all Congressional votes. If a Congressman does not vote in a minimum of 90% of voting opportunities, the House or Senate will immediately begin the process of removing the Congressman from office.
    1. Voting and abstentions will be documented per Congress member.
    2. Votes cannot be delegated to another member of Congress.
    3. Votes cannot be made anonymously.
    4. Abstained votes will count as a non vote toward the 90% minimum requirement.
    5. All voting records will be made public and easily accessible.

[Solves the problem of Congress members who are granted all the perks of a government job without the accountability of actually doing the job.]

[Solves the problem of a lack of accountability for votes.]

[Solves the problem of the public not being able to find out how their representative votes on any issue.]

  1. Cannot enact any law that does not include all members of Congress.
    1. Any existing law that excludes any member of Congress will be immediately and summarily changed to include all Congress members.
    2. The Laws of the land will be applied equally to all, regardless of position or status.

[Solves the problem of Congress exempting itself from laws that affect all other citizens. I.e., being able to trade stocks based on their inside information of which laws will pass/won’t pass.]


  1. I'd also like to see free govt and/or reimbursed travel for elected officialsbe limited to official government business, not to include trips for fund-raising. Sometimes, the only reason an elected government official travels is to raise funds for re-election or the partycampaign chest. President Obama made several trips to Calif in the past couple of years -- was wined and dined by the LBGT Hollywood elite at fund-raisers that raised an unbelievable amount of money -- and then the President changed his position on gay marriage!! This kind of thing should not be paid for by the taxpayers!!

  2. And Republicans get wined and dined by the powerful gun lobby and refuse to change their mind on that issue. And by big business leaders and then do whatever they want. Let's be fair and show how it happens on both sides of the aisle.

    But, agreed, travel and other perks, like free, top-notch health care for life, all need to be looked at and fixed. For example, they made sure they were NOT included in the gov't shutdown -- they still get paid. Why should Congress get paid during a gov't shutdown when they are the cause of the shutdown?
