
All blog posts, unless otherwise noted, are copyrighted to the Author (that's me) and may not be used without written permission.

November 4, 2011

Food Cravings

I have been consuming copious quantities of some pretty strange things lately. For example, I got on a kick where heavily buttered bread was all I wanted to eat, and was practically all I ate for about a week and a half (went through a few loaves of bread in that time).

Then, suddenly, it was salami and provolone. Not on a sandwich, I've been just taking the cheese and meat out of the bag, sandwiching them together (sometimes with pepperoni), and eating that exclusively. And chocolate milk has been high on the list. I had quesadillas every day for lunch (and a couple of times for dinner) every day for a week.

I believe that, for the most part, when you get a craving for something, it is because your body knows it needs something and it knows it got it from that food. Not sure what I have been missing or needing lately that buttered bread, cheese, salami, and chocolate milk covers, but it has been a severe craving.

This all seems to be coming to a close now. I'm not feeling the lusty need for these items any more, and I can go back to normal quantities. Who knows what the next craving will be?


  1. Sounds to me like your body was saying it needed fat and cholesterol. :)

  2. On a recent TV episode, the "doctor" diagnosed Addison's disease (renal failure) by what the person was eating -- so it could be significant or just plain hooey.

    Either way, I might be tempted to figure out why the vast quantities of really salty, really fatty food intake.

