
All blog posts, unless otherwise noted, are copyrighted to the Author (that's me) and may not be used without written permission.

November 29, 2004


I look back at what I wrote on Friday and am amazed. I guess sometimes you just need to vomit that out of your system to allow yourself to reflect, move on, and gain perspective. As a technical writer in my career, I am amused by the poor grammar and other mistakes I see throughout, but I’m going to leave that post as is. It stands as a truly emotional release—and something I really needed.

Now, of course, the questions: Where do I go from here? What change can I enact to make sure things don’t get this bad again? How can I start releasing these emotions in a way that is healthier and less constrained?

I managed to hit on a wide variety of topics, each of which must be addressed. As always, after the revolution must come the rebuilding. If you have any suggestions, feel free to post them.

Lastly, thank you for the kind words you have posted in response. They mean a lot to me.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:29 PM

    Hi, John, I think you'll know what to do when the time comes. You seem to be much wiser than you know. Just take each day as it comes, and live in that moment. When you connect with all that's in that day and everyone in it, you will find your way -- as only you can know how to find it. No one can really tell you what you should do, or how to live your life. That truth lies within. You are introspective enough to find that truth, and I know you'll succeed in your quest. Keep writing and expressing yourself; you have a special gift with words. Good luck and very best wishes to you!
